First Responders Wealth

Network REI Podcast

The podcast for First Responders who are ready to become educated and exposed to the possibilities of real estate investing, the strategies used to grow your wealth, and to stop relying on your paycheque and pensions alone.

Top 10 podcast Episodes you need to listen to:

Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone who owns $4.5 Billion AUM urges First Responders to focus on "REAL" estate rather than “paper” pensions, and explains how to build passive income streams today

Elena Cardone

Elena Cardone – Mrs 10X shares with First Responders How to Build an Empire

Cole Hatter

Cole Hatter - From Firefighter to Real Estate Investor and Serial Entrepreneur : a journey of purpose through adversity. #colehatter

Veena Jettir

Veena Jetti with over $1Billion in transactions, Venna shares expert tips for passive investors and how to mitigate risk

Rod Khleif

Rod Khleif - Levelling up with the Psychology of Success, Taking Action, & Creating More Income and Wealth Through Real Estate Investing

Cody Sperber

How to be a Clever Investor with Cody Sperber

Bobby Castro Part 1&2

Bobby Castro 300m+ net-worth & 350k per MONTH in passive income through real estate... speaks to First Responders and 9-5ers, how to get started, grow, and scale with #PMA.

Brandon Dawson

CardoneVentures Co-Founder & Investor Brandon Dawson: how first responders can scale themselves & wealth 10x

Darren Voros

Teaching investors how to be successful developers by building your portfolio from the ground up with Darren Voros

Mike The Cop

@MiketheCop - From First Responder to Financial Independence & Helping Our Own Build Wealth Through His 10-7 Project

Ben Humble

From Communism to an Abundant Mindset & Financial Freedom with Ben Humble

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Meet Your Host Founder and Host, Dave Knight is a full time Police Officer who outside the workplace has been able to grow a multi-million dollar rental income portfolio. First Responders Wealth Network Podcast was created to help ALL First Responders become educated and exposed to the possibilities of real estate investing, the strategies used to grow your wealth, and to stop relying on your paycheque and pensions alone. Top millionaire investors, industry leading professionals, and success stories from other First Responder investors throughout Canada and United States are showcased weekly to share their journey and lessons learned. Dave’s mission is to help educate, inspire to take action, create a network, and change ALL first responders mindset on how they approach their financial future or retirement. #911WealthNetwork

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